Thursday, February 25, 2010

one month, and the entire past 14 hands hurt

These are horrible photos and I plan to take better ones but I needed to get this post up just to feel some satisfaction. I have been working on this embroidery for a month now, but I completed the last third of it or so TODAY. And by today I mean the ENTIRE day. I have spent the past 14 hours embroidering my little heart out. I have watched three movies, countless "This American Life" podcasts, and nearly worn out my radio. I have drank more hot chocolate than should be humanly possible. BUT IT IS FINISHED! I think that I'm going to try to make two more before the semester is up. I like the way that the photo translates into embroidery and I like how the very medium gives it a different read than when the same image is painted. It is 4"x6" the exact size of the original photo.

the front

the back


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